Want to save money on your laundry bill? Not a problem! Let me explain how I save money on laundry detergent. I got this big container back in my non frugal days at walmart. I paid something like $15 for it, wow, way to much money! I have had this almost 2 years now. I will find cheap detergent on sale and just dump it in with the existing in the container. when it is almost full (say to the top of that yellow sticker) i fill the rest up with water. Shake slowly. Now the next thing I did was to fill this old sports drink bottle with detergent. This is the lid from the gigantic detergent bottle and an extra measuring spoon, a tablespoon. For every load of laundry I add 2 tablespoons full of detergent. For sheets and underwear type things I add 2 1/2 tablespoon and more borax. Next is the Vinegar (Yes, I use vinegar everywhere!) This is one of those old glass bottles. I just refill it from my big jug. **shown below** Refilling glass vinegar jar Now for every load of laundry I add a splas...
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