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Showing posts from April, 2010

Weekend Planning 4.30.10

Friday is FINALLY HERE!! I love all the new friends I get to meet on friday :) wahoooo! Alright, here is my weekend planning Friday: -go over budget -daily cleaning -declutter LR for 15 minutes -tin foil dinners for err... dinner lol Saturday- -daily cleaning -Harbor Freight opens today!! -monthly round up -finish bath pouf thingys Sunday- -re-list craigslist ads -menu plan -freeze flour ya, I think thats plenty! Come on by on Monday, my homemade spices series starts back up :)

Burlap "HOME" frames

Have you seen these cute little frames at Dollar Tree? I feel in love with them and bought 2 brown and 2 red.. having no idea what to do with them. I've had this plate holder hanging by our door for a few months, and as you can see, we use it as a key holder. Well, I have been bitten by the burlap bug... and as soon as I put the 2 together, this was born. Supplies 4 frames $4 craft paint- on hand stencils-$1 burlap-on hand scissors-on hand This is one of the easiest.. err laziest crafts I've ever done, lol. I took the piece of paper out of the frame and chucked it. Then cut the burlap to fit the frame, leaving an inch all the way around. then I used these stencils, and black craft paint. Once dry I put the burlap centered in the frames, turned them over, closed the little prongs, then cut the excess burlap off around the edges. No glue, No staples.. nothing. SHHH... don't tell! Easy.. Easy.. err.. Lazy. Which ever you prefer :)

Menu Plan Monday April 26-May 2

Monday Breakfast-toast/oatmeal Lunch- pizza Dinner- Spaghetti Tuesday Breakfast-toast/oatmeal Lunch- pizza Dinner- homemade mac and cheese- looking for an awesome recipe... Do you have one? Wednesday Breakfast-toast/oatmeal Lunch- homemade mac and cheese Dinner- lasagna Thursday Breakfast-toast/oatmeal Lunch- lasagna Dinner- tin foil dinners Friday Breakfast-toast/oatmeal Lunch- lasagna Dinner- pizza with homemade dough Saturday Breakfast-waffles and eggs Dinner- eating out..maybe. If not, spaghetti. Sunday Breakfast-waffles, eggs, bacon Dinner- roast, potatoes, corn homemade rolls 300+ menu plans over at Check 'em out!

Weekend Planning 4.23.10

**I haven't posted a pic of Duramax in a while, thought he might bring a smile to someone other than me, isn't he adorable? :)** This weekend will be a little busier than usual. I am seriously welcoming this change :) I haven't been home much this week. Chevy Man has had an outburst of gout in his foot, so normal activities have taken about 10 times longer.. So I've had to cut almost all housework out of our schedule. Thankfully, he is feeling much better, so back to our regularly scheduled programing :D.. So now you understand why there are chores on days that they don't belong :) Friday- -Daily Chores -swiffer kitchen and bathroom -clean entire bathroom -clean up bedroom and vacuum -Journalism Benefit @ 7 Saturday- -Daily Chores -clean out deep freeze -storage run-bring a/c home :)!! -Clean out garbage cans -Spaghetti for dinner Sunday- -Play cards with Family -Chili's on the menu.. but that just doesn't sound good.. who knows it might in 2 days lol -clean...

Best Bread Machine Bread

There are times I use my bread machine, and times I just use the oven, depending on my day. This is a GREAT bread machine recipe. I've just changed a few things. First thing is to know your bread machine manufacturers recommended way to place ingredients into the pan. Mine is wet, dry, then yeast in a little indent on top of the dry. Best Bread Machine Bread 1 cuip warm water 2 TBSP white siugar 1 (.25 ounce) yeast 1/4 cup veggie oil 3 cups flour 1.5 tsp salt Select basic or white bread setting and press start. So after I place all the ingredients into the bread machine pan. Then, here is the trick, instead of pressing the pan in until it clicks into the base I just set it into the hole. Then I turn it onto basic setting. About 30 minutes later the machine will beep signaling it is going into "rise" mode. I then unplug the machine, plug it back in and click the pan down into the base and start it back on "basic" mode. and let it cook! By not clicking it down int...

What would you do with this thingy?

Ever been walking through your favorite thrift store and bought something that you were in love with but had no idea what to do with it? Angie at The Country Chic Cottage has the answer-err.. a way to find one! Remember my post about finding a Goodwill ? I found this fun little thing as well. Ya, you guessed it, no idea what to do with it. But it is so pretty! So I turned to Angie and her awesome group of readers. So head on over to The Country Chic Cottage and offer up some of your awesome crafty ideas! I can't wait to see what everyone thinks I should do with it :)

Menu Plan Monday April 19-25

Monday Breakfast-toast Lunch-mac and cheese Dinner- shipwreck Tuesday Breakfast-toast Lunch-shipwreck Dinner- tacos Wednesday Breakfast-toast Lunch-tacos with homemade tortillas Dinner- tin foil dinners Thursday Breakfast-toast Lunch-tin foil dinners Dinner-chicken noodle soup Friday Breakfast-toast Lunch- soup Dinner-pizza with homemade dough Saturday Breakfast-waffles with pecan topping Lunch-pizza Dinner-spaghetti Sunday Breakfast- pancakes eggs, sausage Lunch-spaghetti Dinner-chili Check out over 300 different menu plans over at OrgJunkie .

Framed Burlap Focal Point

Is your mom hard to buy for? Seriously, I can never decide what to get my mom. She just moved and doesn't have her new house decorated completely yet. She has been trying to find something for her dinning room wall for a few months. So my sister and I brainstormed and came up with this. Supplies 5 frames -$5 primer -$2.97 (on hand) I did use the whole can. black spray paint -$.97 (on hand) burlap -$2.47/yard (on hand) You'll need a little less than a yard, but that depends on how many letters you choose. paper -on hand x-acto knife -on hand- But, they have these right now at my Honk's dollar store. Hot glue -on hand Total $8.44 and up I forgot to take a picture of the frames before but they are the ones at Dollar Tree. 11x14.. and red. I primed (3 times) and painted them black. All with spray paint, I even used the 97 cent walmart black :) We started out by picking the word we wanted. Printed it out until we found the size and font that fit. We came up with this. Then my si...


I'm so excited! We only have a D.I. in the town in live in. BUT, there was a commercial for goodwill on the other day, and I scoffed at the tv, WHY? do they play commercials in areas that don't have that business?-I thought to myself (seriously though, why must they tease me with a CVS commercial when we will probably never get one!?!) But at the end of the commercial, it named a neighboring city that is abouit 45 minutes away. SCORE!! I had to wait until we could group a few errands together, I mean I can't drive 45 minutes just to go buy something now can I? Ok, I could, but I'd feel horribly guilty. There wasn't a ton I needed. But a few things I wanted :) $.69 $.99 Then I found out the same town has another D.I... so I had to check it out. $.75 $3 Such GREAT detail! Linking to:

Menu Plan for April 12-18

Last week's menu plan worked out pretty well. We attended a Taste of Home cooking school this past week. It was very informative. I learned a lot and will be trying a few of the recipes this week. Monday Breakfast-Toast Lunch-little pizza Dinner- waffles with pecan topping- I will post this recipe ☺ Tuesday Breakfast Oatmeal Lunch-leftovers Dinner-tacos Wednesday Breakfast Toast Lunch-leftovers Dinner- goulash Thursday Breakfast Oatmeal Lunch-mac and cheese Dinner-lasagna roll ups Friday Breakfast- toast Lunch-leftovers Dinner-Pizza- made with homemade dough Saturday- Breakfast-Oatmeal Lunch-pizza Dinner- Spaghetti Sunday Breakfast Waffles, bacon, eggs Lunch- leftovers Dinner- tin foil dinners Check out more menu ideas here.

Getting to know you

1. What color do you wear the most? Black- versatile and classic 2. Would you rather have $10,000 dollars or a dream vacation? $10,000. I could have a dream vacation for under $1000 3. Do you have a weird, quirky or unusual habit? I'm sure I do..but, I'm just kinda weird all around ;) 4. I really need to start..........? Cleaning, exercising, crafting, looking for a new car, laundry, look for a new job... I need to start a lot. 5. What was the first blog you ever read? Um, I honestly can not remember. 6. Do you collect anything? Junk lol, No but seriously, no I don't. 7. How old were you when you had your first kiss? 16 years old. 8. Do you text/twitter while driving? Honestly I used to. But I have just seen far too many horror stories come from it. I wait until a stop light or pull into a parking lot. Head on over to MannLand5 to participate in Getting to Know you! I'd love to read more about all of you :) I'm off to plant my little plants in some more temporar...

Weekend Planning 4.9-4.11

It is Friday and I am glad. I have been a bit MIA the last week and a half.. I apologize. Heck, I didn't post my March round up until April 8th!! I have had serious email issues... internet issues... blah la blah! I have most issues worked out and I have spent a good chunk of my week crafting. I needed it! I love how creating something (even if it isn't as perfect as other bloggy friend creations!) makes me feel so great. I look forward to sharing my new projects. Weekend Planning over @ My Happy House. Check Molly out, she's great! Friday: -prime frames, again -paint frames black -tape in glass -call on stickers or print out letters -go to consignment store liquidation sale -daily chores -take care of bills Saturday: -clean out car -clean out purse -go through crafts and organize -plant seeds -moms birthday dinner Sunday: -go through gift wrapping, freecycle. -spend 15 minutes decluttering LR -fold clothes, put away Not a lot going on Saturday or Sunday... just stuff I h...

March Round Up

Better late than never right? 2. $5/person/week grocery challenge - I did not track how much meals cost this month. But I will be starting again for april. 3. Homestead skill a month challenge - March was a success. I made sourdough bread and it turned out great. Very time consuming but very yummy. I also made homemade laundry soap. We love it! Each time I use it, it keeps getting better and better! For April I will be organizing my recipe binder into tried and true recipes and beginning a “to try” folder. If they pass the test they can move onto the binder. 4. 2010 homemade Christmas - I want and all homemade Christmas for 2010. I will be documenting my journey. 5. Fling 2010 Things in 2010 Challenge - My total so far this year is 6. 2010 sewing challenge - I never sew much in the warmer months. But I will be spending some time down at my grandma’s house so that we can make a quilt together. This won’t be for a few months though. 7. 2010 needle arts challenge - I have picked up embroi...

Chicken Roll ups

This is one of the most un-frugal recipes I make. They are few and far between, but dang this is so good! I have to share. 1 (8 oz.) can crescent rolls 3 tbsp. melted butter 3 oz. cream cheese 2 c. cooked chicken 2 tbsp. milk 1/8 tsp. pepper 1/4 tsp. salt 2 tbsp. minced onion or chives 1 can cream of chicken ½ tub of sour cream Combine butter, cream cheese and chicken, salt pepper, onion and milk and mix together. Scoop a spoon full into a crescent roll and roll up. Bake at 350 for 20 minutes or longer depending on your oven. While they bake, in a sauce pan combine can of cream of chicken and sour cream. Whisk together. Bring to a boil and turn off. Pour this mixture over the chicken roll ups right before serving.

Menu Plan Monday April 5-11

Last weeks menu plan really seemed like a great idea. But I honestly did not make dinner once not quite sure what was being eaten, we didn't eat out either. Hey, my fridge is cleaned out though, so I guess that what was eaten! Monday- Breakfast- toast Lunch- leftovers Dinner- Roast and potatoes *make bread Tuesday- Breakfast-oatmeal Lunch- leftovers Dinner- lasagna Wednesday Breakfast-oatmeal Lunch- leftovers Dinner- Leftovers Thursday Breakfast-toast Lunch- leftovers Dinner-goulash and garlic bread sticks *make bread Friday Breakfast- oatmeal Lunch- leftovers Dinner- Pizza with homemade pizza dough Saturday Breakfast-toast Lunch- leftovers Dinner- cp steak Sunday Breakfast-pancakes, eggs Lunch- leftovers Dinner-steak and potatoes Check out other menu's over at Org Junkie !