Give it a Whirl Thursday will be a weekly column documenting triumphs and failures of frugal projects. Do you have one of those hobbies that you put on a platform? You know what I mean, your browsing online, see a finished project an think, "WOW, I wish I was that talented!" Mine is knitting. My grandma always told me it was impossible to learn. Well, I don't do well with the "Impossible" word.. If you check out my 2011 Resolutions , knitting is there. Know I'm not going to say its easy. I learned from YouTube. Thank you YouTube! Something about actually seeing it be done, not just a 2 dimensional picture sure did help My first undertaking was a dish cloth. They seem safe. Next was a cup cozy. I am so darn proud of this cup cozy. It is just the cutest thing ever. I found the pattern on Ravelry . By the way, are you on Ravelry ? have to seriously limit myself on that site. I could waste hours even weeks of time! What have you given a whirl to lately?...